Monday, February 23, 2009

Uh oh.

I have spring fever.


And, I'm afraid there is no cure. Except spring break...which is only like 17 days away.

I can do it, right?!?! Of course. okthanks. Just had to say that all out loud for everyone, haha : )


  1. Lissa I have Spring Fever, too! Ahh!!!! I can't wait for you to come home so we can hang outtt!!!

  2. I know! I wanna see your new pad! Let's go out to eat again and have COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And maybe watch a classic....A Walk to Remember?? We might have to!

  3. tHiS tYPiNg mAKes mE waNn2 tHRoW uP!!
    but it is okay...spring fever does weird stuff to you!! i should know! cannot wait for you to come home!!
