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....and post some pictures of myself. Because I thought they were cute and that does not happen often!!
Lucky lucky you!! Be excited!
Ok, so I've just got the 2. But that's cool, right???
P.S. My classes end Tuesday and finals start Friday. Freak out!!!!
Yes. I'm sure you're all DYING to know. Ok, maybe not. But I'll tell you guys anyway what's been going on!!
- SCHOOL. Yep. Classes end 2 weeks from today, and finals start 2 weeks from Thursday. It's so unbelievable that these are my very last weeks in Hillsdale : ( I've got 2 projects and a paper left to do before finals, I'll be a busy lady.
- JOB? Yeah, still working on that one. I feel so weird not having one lined up already. Luckily though, I've got many good people willing to help me find one such as several professors, career services office here, and so on. I know I will find something eventually, but the current uncertainty factor is a lil scary. So, I guess my "job" for the first month or so I'm home will be to find a real, adult job. I can handle that. I guess it'll give me an opportunity to catch my breath briefly before entering the infamous "grown up land" that my aunt and uncle always warn Meg and I to stay away from as long as possible.
- LIVING SITUATION. As of now, I'll be at my parent's until at least September. I'll commute to work, wherever that may be, but it'll be good for me to save up a chunk of money. And really, I may be there until January. That could be a good goal: Out by the first of the year. I LOVE my parents more than anything, but I've gotten too used to being entirely independent and having my own apartment throughout college, I don't know how long I'll last without having that freedom. And by January, Miss Carrie will have with me!! And Meg, of course, if you stay in MN you'll be with me....duh!!!!
- MIKE. I feel like a little girl, but I just smiled when I wrote his name just now lol. He came to visit me this past weekend and it was wonderful! We got to do a little bit of everything: hang out with several of my good friends, hang out at my apartment with Katie and make dinner together, show him around Hillsdale and other Michigan spots I frequent, celebrate Easter together, just talk about life and cuddle and enjoy being around each other. He really does impress me more & more as I get to know him better. We're both at good & exciting places in our lives, and it's nice to have the stability of each other. I like how he's excited to do things together like hang out with Meg and our families and friends. He really makes an effort to let me know how much I mean to him and it's so very sweet I don't even know how to react sometimes. In any case, I've got a good feeling about him : ) but, only time will tell....
- SUMMER. I am SO excited for it! Yeah, I'll have to secure a real job but there will still be plenty of time to spend with my favorites: Meg, Carrie, Andrea, and Leah!!! Let's do fun things as much as possible! Meg and I have decided that since we're poor, tanning will be a staple in our lives. Yep. Sounds FAB!!!
Ok, I could go on forever but I must get back to work! I shall try to be more faithful about my secret blogging! Love and miss you all!!
.....all own a fabulous store together and become best friends with the Kardashians!!!
We really should!!!!
is secret blog.
But I have a huge presentation I have to finish : (
I will blog it up this weekend!
I must! We must!......We must! We must get rid of the dust!!!
Thank you, Billy Mays. For all the good times.
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa
I have spring fever.
And, I'm afraid there is no cure. Except spring break...which is only like 17 days away.
I can do it, right?!?! Of course. okthanks. Just had to say that all out loud for everyone, haha : )
When we're not being working adults let's do more of this in the summer!
I am a whitey whiter! I want to go tanning on the beach with you. Like now.